To be complete, the new fruit sculptures need to have stalks fitted. The initial thinking was that the stalks would be made of wood. It was then realised that the wood would swell in wet weather causing the sculptures to crack. Thus an alternative solution was needed. To assist us, we have collaborated with Lancaster University Engineering Department. An intern Estelle Seeliger under the supervision of Professor Andrew Kennedy has been responsible for the project to find the best solution. The first stage was to develop prototypes using 3D printing (of different materials) and casting (also using different materials). Six prototypes were produced. Estelle and Andrew visited Alan Ward at his studio in Lancaster Castle in order to assess the various prototypes with the sculptures. From these prototypes it was decided to proceed with the casting method rather than the 3D printing approach. This decision was for reasons of cost, durability and aesthetics. The second stage was to create further prototypes using the casting method. A variety of different epoxy resins and Portland stone mixes, together with different finishes were explored. Again Estelle and Andrew visited Alan Ward to assess these prototypes. From these prototypes a final option was chosen. Lancaster University will continue to collaborate on the project for subsequent sculptures and advise on the installation of the sculptures. FOSG wish to record their thanks to Estelle Seeliger and Professor Andrew Kennedy for their assistance with this project. See below some photographs of the two visits to Alan Ward’s studio and the last photo shows the sculptures with the final selected prototype stalks.
This blog shows the progress of the project to recreate The Tasting Garden. For more information on the project click here.
If you wish to make a financial donation to help in the recreation of The Tasting Garden click here. AuthorBlog Administrator Month Posted
November 2024